Cake Decorator's Association of WA Rockingham Branch [AIRBRUSH CLASS]

Last Saturday I had the great pleasure to teach and inspire a room of ladies, who had their own airbrush setup [which ranged from the small compact to something like mine with a little more power]... how to airbrush... well the basics anyway... I am going to be honest, I am still learning myself.

Before we got stuck into it... I felt all the ladies were very nervous which is very common.

Cake peeps go out buy all this airbrush equipment (most of the time with not much idea), spend some money, buy some colours {with all good intention of making these great airbrush cake creations}... They get home... unpack... [insert excitement here]... turn it on [nerves increase, the sound doesn't help] ...fill the colour cup full of colour and PPPPSSSSSTTTT {massive blue coloured cloud, just picture Smurf when he opens a present box from Jokey Smurf} and a drippy spot... oh and a blue coloured kitchen interior. Back in the box the airbrush goes, the fearful thoughts and "never using that thing again" while trying to work out way to get your blue colour stained walls back to white. That's it... airbrush done... It sits in the cake cupboard with all the other cake gadgets that we feel we needed at the time but never use {let's face it, those cupcake squirt bottles only work when you only want to make 12 tiny cupcakes, not the 72 you need 4 hours ago}.
Then you come across someone like me...which there is no smoke and mirrors with my work... I airbrush... I get "I have an airbrush, but I'm too scared to use it" "It makes too much mess" "I really go through so much colour it isn't worth it" blah blah blah blah

So that's the kind of feelings I was walking into... but the difference with these amazing cake peeps... was they took that first step and decided to do something about it. LEARN about the airbrush and give it another try.
After a 15 minute pep talk {well it may have been longer as I like to ramble on about airbrushing} everyone left those fears and everything that they have been told or shown about the airbrush out the door, on the curb and all listened with eager ears.
Because of this the results were A M A Z I N G

Airbrushing is easy and you shouldn't be using a whole bottle of colour for a 14" cake board... just a few drops

Thank you for having me CDAWA Rockingham! I had an amazing time, I hope you learnt a thing or two [get rid of that fear and replace with fun] and I hope to see you all again soon.
**SPECIAL THANKS** Mary, Cake Hubby and Daughter for the invitation and hosting such a great event... and my very talented side kick assistant, Janelle, from Cakery Road  


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