Cake Decorator's Association of WA Rockingham Branch [AIRBRUSH CLASS]
Last Saturday I had the great pleasure to teach and inspire a room of ladies, who had their own airbrush setup [which ranged from the small compact to something like mine with a little more power]... how to airbrush... well the basics anyway... I am going to be honest, I am still learning myself. Before we got stuck into it... I felt all the ladies were very nervous which is very common. Cake peeps go out buy all this airbrush equipment (most of the time with not much idea) , spend some money, buy some colours {with all good intention of making these great airbrush cake creations}... They get home... unpack... [insert excitement here] ... turn it on [nerves increase, the sound doesn't help] ...fill the colour cup full of colour and PPPPSSSSSTTTT {massive blue coloured cloud, just picture Smurf when he opens a present box from Jokey Smurf} and a drippy spot... oh and a blue coloured kitchen interior. Back in the box the airbrush goes, the fearful thoughts and "never using...